What is a cannabinoid?
These are naturally occurring chemical compounds that can be beneficial for the body. They are found in hemp and other plants, as well as our hemp extract and products.
There are more than 60 identified cannabinoids with different properties and herbal effects. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the most well-known, and is the ONLY psychoactive cannabinoid. However, the level of THC in hemp plants is extremely low, preventing hemp extracts and products from being psychoactive..
Is hemp the same plant as marijuana?
Yes and no. Scientifically they are considered the same species but different strains. The difference is that hemp strain is not psychoactive, because it only contains less than 0.3% THC. Marijuana strains contain anywhere from 5% to 20% THC.
Can you get high from hemp?
No. The amount of THC in hemp is so low that it will never have a psychoactive effect.
How much hemp extract is in Bella's products?
30mg per bottle.
Is hemp extract legal in all 50 states?
Yes. The 2018 Federal Farm Bill removed hemp and all hemp-derived products (including CBD) from the federal government’s list of controlled substances.
Are Bella products made with organic hemp?
Yes, our supplier farms are fully certified organic hemp producers.
What do you mean when you say your extract comes from the whole plant?
Some hemp products use only a single, lab-isolated cannabinoid. Our hemp extract contains all the cannabinoids preserved during the extraction process—we call this “whole plant,” but you may also hear it called “full spectrum” or “broad spectrum” in the scientific community.
We chose to use whole plant hemp extract because of the potential for an “entourage effect.” This is a phenomenon science is just beginning to understand, but it basically means that multiple chemical compounds in a plant can work together to create a greater effect on the body than any of them would on their own.
What cannabinoids are in Bella's products?
Our wines contain CBD, CBDA and CBC and some 2020 SKU's w CBD, CBDA, CBG, CBGA, CBN and CBC
How do cannabinoids work in the body?
Although science is still working on figuring out the details, the big picture is that cannabinoids interact with the body through the endocannabinoid system. Yes, you read that right.
In the 90s, scientists researching THC discovered that the human body makes its own cannabinoid-like molecules. Receptors for these molecules are located in the brain and nerves, but also in numerous other body parts, including the skin, bones, blood vessels, heart, liver and GI tract. According to UCLA Health, scientists now know that “the endocannabinoid system is involved in a wide variety of processes, including pain, memory, mood, appetite, stress, sleep, metabolism, immune function, and reproductive function.
To learn more about how the endocannabinoid system works to keep our bodies in balance, check out this physician-reviewed article from medically-reviewed website Verywell Health
1. UCLA Health, https://www.uclahealth.org/cannabis/cannabis-and-its-compounds